Jumat, 21 Maret 2008
Selasa, 18 Maret 2008
haku aka cermin es
Haku lahir di sebuah desa bersalju di Kirigakure, dimana orang-orang di desa tersebut takut memiliki kekkei genkai karena orang yang memiliki kemampuan tersebut akan dibawa ke dalam peperangan yang akan mengakibatkan kehancuran keluarganya sendiri.
Ibu Haku adalah salah satu orang yang memiliki kekkei genkai tersebut, yaitu kemampuan untuk memanipulasi air. Tanpa disangka, Haku juga mewarisi kemampuan Ibunya tersebut. Haku pun diperingatkan Ibunya untuk tidak memberitahukan kemampuan mereka kepada siapapun, termasuk ayahnya.
Rahasia ini tetap terjaga sampai ayahnya melihat Haku sedang bermain-main dengan memanipulasi air. Ayahnya pun kemudian membunuh istrinya sendiri dan berusaha untuk membunuh Haku juga, namun ketika dalam keadaan panik secara tidak disengaja Haku telah membunuh ayahnya sendiri. Hal ini membuatnya menjadi seorang yatim piatu dan pengemis. Sampai ketika Ia ditemukan oleh Zabuza Momochi, Haku bersedia menjadi pengikutnya dan menjadi senjata untuknya.
Setelah menjadi pengikut Zabuza,Haku bertekad untuk mengikutinya dan melindunginya dengan cara apapun karena Ia telah memungutnya dan bersedia merawatnya. Ketika di negara Nami, Haku melihat Naruto yang sedang tertidur di tengah hutan dan mencoba membangunkannya.
Haku menguasai Hyoton, yaitu jurus yang menggabungkan elemen angin dan air, sehingga menciptakan es.Ketika Ia tengah bertarung melawan Naruto Uzumaki dan Sasuke Uchiha,
Pada saat Haku melawan Naruto Uzumaki dan Sasuke Uchiha, Ia berhasil melumpuhkan Sasuke yang membuat Naruto menjadi sangat marah dan agak berubah menjadi miniatur kyuubi.Haku yang melihat kekuatan yang sangat besar dan mengerikan dari Naruto, akhirnya menyerah dan meminta Naruto untuk membunuhnya. Ketika Naruto menanyakan alasannya, Haku menyatakan bahwa Ia mungkin sudah tidak berguna lagi bagi Zabuza.
Namun, sebelum Naruto sempat membunuh Haku, Ia tiba-tiba mencegah Naruto dan berlari menuju arah Zabuza untuk menjadi tumbal atas chidori milik Kakashi yang seharusnya ditujukan untuk Zabuza, sehingga Ia pun meninggal. Zabuza yang tidak mempedulikan hal itu, tetap bersikeras untuk membunuh Kakashi.Namun Naruto yang melihat hal itu memperingatkan Zabuza bahwa Haku telah menganggapnya sebagai orang yang berharga. Zabuza akhirnya mengerti perasaan sesungguhnya Haku padanya. Sebagai permintaan terakhir, Zabuza meminta Kakashi agar menaruh tubuhnya disamping mayat Haku.
Kematiannya diiringi oleh air mata Haku dan hujan salju di musim panas.
ai lagi akit nich, kecapean teuz kena viruz dech

Infeksi adalah kolonisasi yang dilakukan oleh spesies asing terhadap organisme inang, dan bersifat membahayakan inang. Organisme penginfeksi, atau patogen, menggunakan sarana yang dimiliki inang untuk dapat memperbanyak diri, yang pada akhirnya merugikan inang. Patogen mengganggu fungsi normal inang dan dapat berakibat pada luka kronik, gangrene, kehilangan organ tubuh, dan bahkan kematian. Respons inang terhadap infeksi disebut peradangan. Secara umum, patogen umumnya dikategorikan sebagai organisme mikroskopik, walaupun sebenarnya definisinya lebih luas, mencakup bakteri, parasit, fungi, virus, prion, dan viroid.
Simbiosis antara parasit dan inang, di mana satu pihak diuntungkan dan satu pihak dirugikan, digolongkan sebagai parasitisme.
Secara lebih singkatnya yang dinamakan infeksi adalah suatu peradangan atau masuknya kuman yang menyebabkan peradangan karena perlawanan tubuh kita. Jika daya tahan tubuh kita mampu melawan kuman yang masuk maka infeksi akan teratasi (tidak jadi sakit) dan jika daya tahan tubuh kita tidak dapat melawan kuman yang masuk maka terjadilah infeksi.
Kuman yang masuk dapat berupa virus ataupun bakteri dan bisa juga jamur tapi ini jarang. Jika terinfeksi oleh virus umumya lebih sebentar daripada bakteri. Infeksi oleh virus lebih singkat tinggkat keparahanya tergantung daya virulensi atau tingginya daya masuk kuman yang menimbulkan parahnya penyakit.
Infeksi saluran nafas atas dalam bahasa Indonesia juga di kenal sebagai ISPA (Infeksi Saluran naPas Atas) atau URI dalam bahasa Inggris adalah penyakit infeksi akut yang melibatkan organ saluran pernafasan, hidung, sinus, faring, atau laring. Pada pembehasan kali ini hanya akan di bahas penyakit infeksi saluran nafas atas yaitu Rhinitis, faringitis dan laringitis.
Dinamakan ISPA karena sesuai dengan lokasinya yai tu mengenai saluran nafas atas, dimana penyakitnya sesuai dengan nama tempat yang di kenainya, yang termasuk dalam keadaan ini adalah rhinitis, sinusitis, faringitis, tosilitis dan laryngitis. Sedangakan flu batuk beriku

Yang termasuk secara garis besar gejala dari ISPA adalah badan panas & pegal pegal (myalgia), beringus (rhinorrhea), batuk, sakit kepala, sakit pada tengorokan.
Terjadinya ISPA adalah karena masuknya virus, bakteri dan jamur. Kebanyakan adalah virus. Yang biasanya akan di ikuti dengan bakteri.
Pengobatan yg diberikan pada penyakit ini biasanya pemberian antibiotik walaupun kebanyakan ISPA disebabkan oleh virus yang dapat sembuh dengan sendirinya tanpa pemberian obat obatan terapeutik, pemberian antibiotik dapat mempercepat penyembuhan penyakit ini dibandingkan hanya pemberian obat obatan symptomatic (penghilang gejala/pereda gejala), selain itu dengan pemberian antibiotik dapat mencegah terjadinya infeksi lanjutan dari bakterial, pemberian, pemilihan antibiotik pada penyakit ini harus diperhatikan dengan baik agar tidak terjadi resistensi kuman/baterial di kemudian hari. Namun pada penyakit ISPA yg sudah berlanjut dengan gejala dahak dan ingus yg sudah menjadi hijau, pemberian antibiotik merupakan keharusan karena dengan gejala tersebut membuktikan sudah ada bakteri yg terlibat.
Atas permintaan beberapa teman untuk menentukan rumus kelulusan Ujian Nasional tahun 2008, maka kami sampaikan rumus kelulusan Ujian Nasional 2008 untuk SMP sebagai berikut: Seperti yang telah kita ketahui bahwa syarat kelulusan adalah:
=>Rata rata untuk seluruh mata pelajaran yang diujikan yaitu Bahasa Indonesia, Matematika, Bahasa Inggris dan IPA minimal adalah 5,25 dengan tidak ada nilai dibawah 4,25 =>Boleh ada nilai minimal 4 untuk satu mata pelajaran sedangkan 3 mata pelajaran yang lain minimal harus 6.
Berdasarkan syarat kelulusan tersebut maka rumus dengan mengunakan excel adalah sebagai berikut:
=IF(OR(AND((E3+F3+G3+H3)/4>=5.25,E3>=4.25,F3>=4.25,G3>=4.25,H3>=4.25),AND (E3>=4,F3>=6,G3>=6,H3>=6),AND(E3>=6,F3>=4,G3>=6,H3>=6),AND E3>=6,F3>=6,G3>=4,H3>=6),AND(E3>=6,F3>=6,G3>=6,H3>=4)),"L","TL")
Rumus diatas terletak (ditulis) pada kolom K baris ke-3 (K3), tanda koma (,) atau titik koma (;) sebagai separator menyesuaikan Microsoft Excel yang digunakan, kolom A untuk nomor urut, kolom B untuk nomor tes, kolom C untuk Nama Siswa, kolom D untuk Kelas, kolom E untuk Nilai Bahasa Indonesia, F untuk nilai Matematika, kolom G untuk nilai Bahasa Inggris, kolom H untuk nilai IPA, kolom I untuk rata-rata dan Kolom J untuk Jumlah, agar lebih jelas mana letak kolomnya dan lain sebagainya silahkan klik link gambar berikut:
Klik disini untuk melihat gambar letak kolom-kolom yang digunakan sehingga penggunaan rumus tidak salah
Rumus ini tidak mutlak karena bisa saja anda mengggunakan rumus yang lebih pendek atau lebih panjang asalkan dengan logika yang sama sehingga dihasilkan Lulus (L) atau tidak Lulus (TL) yang sama pula. Demikian semoga dapat bermanfaat buat teman teman semuanya. Selamat mencoba....
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Kamis, 13 Maret 2008
Film dan Animasi Pelajaran IPA
Chemical Demonstrations by Lee Marek
6-Port HPLC Injection Valve
Sam Houston State University
Quicktime, Shockwave, Gif animation
A Simple SN2 Reaction
A Modest Chemiluminescence Movie
Sam Houston State University
Quicktime, Gif animation
A QuickTime VR Laboratory Image
Sam Houston State University
A Double Beam Spectrophotometer
Sam Houston State University
Quicktime, Gif animation
A Cream Cracker + Liquid O2
Delights of Chemistry in Leeds
Gif animation
Acid-Base Equlibria
Iowa State University
Acid catalyzed Esterification - Test for Water formed
Peter Keusch, University of Regensburg
Acidic Azo Dyes
Peter Keusch, University of Regensburg
Addition of Bisulfite to Aldehydes
Peter Keusch, University of Regensburg
Aldol Condensation Reaction
Univeristy of Texas, Austin
Chime, Quicktime
Anti-cancer Platinum Complexes in motion
University of Oxford
Atmospheric Fixation of Nitrogen
University of Oxford
Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy
Sam Houston State University
Quicktime, Shockwave, Gif animation
Atomic Emission Detector
Sam Houston State University
Quicktime, Gif animation
BaCp2 in motion
University of Oxford
Balloons - Three balloons of H2 and one of H2 mixed with O2
Delights of Chemistry in Leeds
Gif animation
Peter Keusch, University of Regensburg
Biuret Reaction - Protein in Egg Albumen
Peter Keusch, University of Regensburg
Boyle's Law
Iowa State University
Breaking a Concrete Block
Chemical Demonstrations by Lee Marek
Brevetoxin in motion
University of Oxford
Briggs-Rauscher Reaction
Peter Keusch, University of Regensburg
Bubbles of H2 with a little O2
Delights of Chemistry in Leeds
Gif animation
Burning Bubbles of Methane Gas
Chemical Demonstrations by Lee Marek
Burning Gummi Bears
Chemical Demonstrations by Lee Marek
Burning Seabrooks Crisps
Delights of Chemistry in Leeds
Gif animation
Cabbage - red or blue?
Peter Keusch, University of Regensburg
Capillary Electrophoresis
Sam Houston State University
Quicktime, Shockwave, Gif animation
Charles' Law
Iowa State University
Chemical Kinetics Simulation
University of California Irvine
Java Applet
Chemistry of Disappearing Ink
Chemical Demonstrations by Lee Marek
Claisen Reaction
Univeristy of Texas, Austin
Chime, Quicktime
Colors of Elements in a Flame: Lithium Chloride
Journal of Chemical Education
Iowa State University
The University of Arizona
Copper Amine Complex Formation
Sam Houston State University
Quicktime, Shockwave, Gif animation
Crack Process
Peter Keusch, University of Regensburg
Critical Point of Benzene (Temperature Decreases)
Journal of Chemical Education
Crush the Can
Iowa State University
Crystal Violet - a pH Indicator
Peter Keusch, University of Regensburg
Diazotization of Aniline Derivatives:Nitrous Acid Test
Journal of Chemical Education
Diels-Alder Reaction
Univeristy of Texas, Austin
Chime, Quicktime
Iowa State University
Distributions of Counterions around DNA.
Visualization and Animation Laboratory at CSC
Gif Animation, GopenMol
DNPO - Chemiluminescent Rainbow
Delights of Chemistry in Leeds
Gif animation
Dry Cell
Iowa State University
Dynamite Chemistry
University of Oxford
Effect of Oxygen Binding on Heme
The University of Arizona
Iowa State University
Electrochemical Cell
Iowa State University
Iowa State University
Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution
Univeristy of Texas, Austin
Chime, Quicktime
Elimination Reaction
Univeristy of Texas, Austin
Chime, Quicktime
Ether Vapour
Delights of Chemistry in Leeds
Gif animation
Exploding Ostrich Egg
Chemical Demonstrations by Lee Marek
Fading of Ketchup using Bromine
Peter Keusch, University of Regensburg
Fehling's Test
Peter Keusch, University of Regensburg
Fehling's Test for Reducing Sugars
Journal of Chemical Education
Journal of Chemical Education
Fire in Ice
Chemical Demonstrations by Lee Marek
Fire from Water
Delights of Chemistry in Leeds
Gif animation
Fire from Cr2O3 + Ethanol
Delights of Chemistry in Leeds
Gif animation
Flame Ionization Detector
Sam Houston State University
Quicktime, Shockwave, Gif animation
Flammable solid
Delights of Chemistry in Leeds
Gif animation
Iowa State University
Foam Plastic Styropor - Polystyrene Processing
Peter Keusch, University of Regensburg
Foam - Polyurethane
Delights of Chemistry in Leeds
Gif animation
Gas Chromatography with Split/Splitless Injection
Sam Houston State University
Quicktime, Shockwave, Gif animation
Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry
Sam Houston State University
Quicktime, Gif animation
Gas Chromatography
Sam Houston State University
Quicktime, Gif animation
Gel Electrophoresis
Sam Houston State University
Quicktime, Shockwave, Gif animation
Gun Cotton
Delights of Chemistry in Leeds
Gif animation
H2O2 + KI in soapy water
Delights of Chemistry in Leeds
Gif animation
Heat of neutralization
Iowa State University
Heat of solution
Iowa State University
Heat transfer
Iowa State University
How a Grating Works
Sam Houston State University
Quicktime, Shockwave, Gif animation
Hydride Generation Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy
Sam Houston State University
Quicktime, Shockwave, Gif animation
Hydroformylation of Alkenes
University of Oxford
Hydrogen Bromide Addition
Univeristy of Texas, Austin
Chime, Quicktime
Hydrogenation of Alkenes
University of Oxford
Hydrolysis of tert-Butyl Chloride
Journal of Chemical Education
Hydrolysis of tertiary Butylhalides
Peter Keusch, University of Regensburg
Ice Bomb
Journal of Chemical Education
Infra-Red Spectroscopy
The University of Arizona
Interview with Professor Sir Harry Kroto, Nobel Laureate (Sussex): "Bucky Tubes"
Interviews at Imperial College
Quicktime, RealPlayer, MediaPlayer
Interview with Professor Robert B. Woodward, Nobel Laureate (Harvard): "Cephalosporin C"
Interviews at Imperial College
Quicktime, RealPlayer, MediaPlayer
Interview with Professor Sir Geoffrey Wilkinson, Nobel Laureate: "Organometallic chemistry"
Interviews at Imperial College
Quicktime, RealPlayer, MediaPlayer
Interview with Professor Sir Derek Barton, Nobel Laureate: "Conformational Analysis"
Interviews at Imperial College
Quicktime, RealPlayer, MediaPlayer
Interview with Professor Ian Fleming (Cambridge): "Stereo Control in Organic Synthesis using Silicon Compounds"
Interviews at Imperial College
Quicktime, RealPlayer, MediaPlayer
Interview with Professor Charles Rees FRS: "New Frontiers in Heterocyclic chemistry".
Interviews at Imperial College
Quicktime, RealPlayer, MediaPlayer
Interview with Professor David Phillips: "A little light relief"
Interviews at Imperial College
Quicktime, RealPlayer, MediaPlayer
Interview with Professor Tony Barrett FRS: " Novel Polymers, Novel Linkers and Novel Transformations in Parallel Synthesis"
Interviews at Imperial College
Quicktime, RealPlayer, MediaPlayer
Interview with Lord George Porter, Nobel Laureate: "Photochemistry"
Interviews at Imperial College
Quicktime, RealPlayer, MediaPlayer
Iodoform Reaction - Test for Methyl Ketones
Peter Keusch, University of Regensburg
Keto-Enol-Tautomerism of Ethyl Acetoacetate
Peter Keusch, University of Regensburg
Iowa State University
Landolt Reaction - Iodine Clock Kinetics
Peter Keusch, University of Regensburg
Lead Iodide (Gold Reaction)
Delights of Chemistry in Leeds
Gif animation
Lime Light
Delights of Chemistry in Leeds
Gif animation
Liquid Oxygen
Delights of Chemistry in Leeds
Gif animation
Liquid Nitrogen
Delights of Chemistry in Leeds
Gif animation
Liquid nitrogen blowing up balloons
Delights of Chemistry in Leeds
Gif animation
Magnesium Lamp
Delights of Chemistry in Leeds
Gif animation
Manometer experiment
Iowa State University
Visualization and Animation Laboratory at CSC
Gif Animation, GopenMol
Michael Reaction
Univeristy of Texas, Austin
Chime, Quicktime
Modified Landolt Reaction - Coca Cola & Beer
Peter Keusch, University of Regensburg
Modified Landolt Reaction - 'Old Nassau'
Peter Keusch, University of Regensburg
Molecular Recognition
The University of Arizona
Negative Solvatochromism
Peter Keusch, University of Regensburg
Nitrogen Triiodide Detonation
Journal of Chemical Education
NO2 + aniline
Delights of Chemistry in Leeds
Gif animation
Old Nassau
Delights of Chemistry in Leeds
Gif animation
Optical Rotatory Dispersion:
Journal of Chemical Education
Oxidation of 1,3,5-Triphenylverdazyl
Peter Keusch, University of Regensburg
Oxidation of Ammonia
Delights of Chemistry in Leeds
Gif animation
Oxidation of the Butanol Isomers
Peter Keusch, University of Regensburg
Ozone's Problem with Polar Stratospheric Clouds
Sam Houston State University
Quicktime, Gif animation
Phosphorus Moon
Delights of Chemistry in Leeds
Gif animation
Photomultiplier Tube Movie
Sam Houston State University
Polarized Light and Sucrose Solution in a Tall Cylinder
Journal of Chemical Education
Positive Solvatochromism
Peter Keusch, University of Regensburg
Precipitation Reaction: Sodium Iodide with Mercury(II) Chloride
Journal of Chemical Education
Protein Structure
The University of Arizona
Pulsating Electrochemical Reaction: Mercury Beating Heart
Journal of Chemical Education
Pulsed Flame Photometric Detector
Sam Houston State University
Quicktime, Gif animation
Reaction of Butylbromide Isomers with Silver Nitrate
Peter Keusch, University of Regensburg
Reaction of Carboxylic Acids with Magnesium
Peter Keusch, University of Regensburg
Reaction of Cyclohexene with Bromine and Permanganate
Peter Keusch, University of Regensburg
Reaction of 1,2-Dibromoethane with Zinc
Peter Keusch, University of Regensburg
Reaction of Dihydroxybenzene Isomers with Ferric Chloride
Peter Keusch, University of Regensburg
Reaction of Magnesium with Carbon Dioxide
Journal of Chemical Education
Reaction of Silver Nitrate with Sodium Hydroxide
Journal of Chemical Education
Reaction of Sodium Hydroxide with Cobalt(II) Chloride
Journal of Chemical Education
Reaction of Sodium with Acid
Journal of Chemical Education
Reaction of Sodium with Chlorine
Journal of Chemical Education
Redoxsystem p-Benzoquinone / Hydroquinone
Peter Keusch, University of Regensburg
Reduction and Methylation Mechanism of Oxyanions of Se
Sam Houston State University
Quicktime, Gif animation
Reduction of Viologen Dication
Peter Keusch, University of Regensburg
Rutherford's Gold Foil Experiment
Sam Houston State University
Quicktime, Gif animation
Rydberg States of Weakly Interacting Systems
Visualization and Animation Laboratory at CSC
Gif Animation, GopenMol
Silane Gas
Delights of Chemistry in Leeds
Gif animation
Small molecule diffusion in polymers.
Visualization and Animation Laboratory at CSC
Gif Animation, GopenMol
Delights of Chemistry in Leeds
Gif animation
SN2 Reaction Mechanism
The University of Arizona
Soda Pop Shower
Chemical Demonstrations by Lee Marek
Solvent Focussing in Gas Chromatography
Sam Houston State University
Quicktime, Shockwave, Gif animation
Some of the more interesting vibrational modes of Benzene
Starch - widely available in many Foods
Peter Keusch, University of Regensburg
Iowa State University
Substitution Reaction
Univeristy of Texas, Austin
Chime, Quicktime
Sugar + Sulphuric Acid
Delights of Chemistry in Leeds
Gif animation
Synthesis of Nylon 6 (Perlon)
Peter Keusch, University of Regensburg
Synthesis of Nylon 6,10
Peter Keusch, University of Regensburg
Taxol in motion
University of Oxford
The Barking Dog
Delights of Chemistry in Leeds
Gif animation, streaming video, MPEG movie
The Dynamics of spreading of small droplets of chainlike molecules on surfaces
Visualization and Animation Laboratory at CSC
Gif Animation, GopenMol
The Electron Capture Detector
Sam Houston State University
Quicktime, Gif animation
The Four Foot Tall Bunsen Burner
Chemical Demonstrations by Lee Marek
The Happy Molecules
University of California Irvine
Java Applet
The Ideal Atmosphere
University of California Irvine
Java Applet
The Particle in the Box
University of California Irvine
Java Applet
The Photoelectric Effect
Sam Houston State University
Quicktime, Shockwave, Gif animation
The Protein cellobiohydrolase I (CBH1)
Visualization and Animation Laboratory at CSC
Gif Animation, GopenMol
The Second Law
University of California Irvine
Java Applet
The Volcano Reaction
Delights of Chemistry in Leeds
Gif animation
Thermite Reaction
Delights of Chemistry in Leeds
Gif animation
Thermite Reaction II
Chemical Demonstrations by Lee Marek
Titration Movie
Sam Houston State University
Quicktime, Gif animation
Tollens Reaction - Silver Mirror Test
Peter Keusch, University of Regensburg
Tuneable Monochromator
Sam Houston State University
Quicktime, Gif animation
Visualization of Solvation Structures in Liquid Mixtures
Visualization and Animation Laboratory at CSC
Gif Animation, GopenMol
What Does the Earth's Tilt Mean for Atmospheric Chemistry
Sam Houston State University
Quicktime, Shockwave, Gif animation
Wursters Blue
Peter Keusch, University of Regensburg
Xanthoprotein Reaction
Peter Keusch, University of Regensburg
X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy
Sam Houston State University
Quicktime, Shockwave, Gif animation
Film dan Animasi pelajaran IPA
Berikut ini adalah link film dan animasi tentang pelajaran IPA
Nama Animasi / Film | Source/Link | File Type |
55-Gallon Drum Collapse | Chemical Demonstrations by Lee Marek | RealPlayer |
6-Port HPLC Injection Valve | Sam Houston State University | Quicktime, Shockwave, Gif animation |
A Simple SN2 Reaction | Berkeley | Quicktime |
A Modest Chemiluminescence Movie | Sam Houston State University | Quicktime, Gif animation |
A QuickTime VR Laboratory Image | Sam Houston State University | Quicktime |
A Double Beam Spectrophotometer | Sam Houston State University | Quicktime, Gif animation |
A Cream Cracker + Liquid O2 | Delights of Chemistry in Leeds | Gif animation |
Acid-Base Equlibria | Iowa State University | Shockwave |
Acid catalyzed Esterification - Test for Water formed | Peter Keusch, University of Regensburg | RealPlayer |
Acidic Azo Dyes | Peter Keusch, University of Regensburg | RealPlayer |
Addition of Bisulfite to Aldehydes | Peter Keusch, University of Regensburg | RealPlayer |
Aldol Condensation Reaction | Univeristy of Texas, Austin | Chime, Quicktime |
Anti-cancer Platinum Complexes in motion | University of Oxford | Quicktime |
Atmospheric Fixation of Nitrogen | University of Oxford | Quicktime |
Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy | Sam Houston State University | Quicktime, Shockwave, Gif animation |
Atomic Emission Detector | Sam Houston State University | Quicktime, Gif animation |
BaCp2 in motion | University of Oxford | Quicktime |
Balloons - Three balloons of H2 and one of H2 mixed with O2 | Delights of Chemistry in Leeds | Gif animation |
Belousov-Zhabotinsky-Reaction | Peter Keusch, University of Regensburg | RealPlayer |
Biuret Reaction - Protein in Egg Albumen | Peter Keusch, University of Regensburg | RealPlayer |
Boyle's Law | Iowa State University | Shockwave |
Breaking a Concrete Block | Chemical Demonstrations by Lee Marek | RealPlayer |
Brevetoxin in motion | University of Oxford | Quicktime |
Briggs-Rauscher Reaction | Peter Keusch, University of Regensburg | RealPlayer |
Bubbles of H2 with a little O2 | Delights of Chemistry in Leeds | Gif animation |
Burning Bubbles of Methane Gas | Chemical Demonstrations by Lee Marek | RealPlayer |
Burning Gummi Bears | Chemical Demonstrations by Lee Marek | RealPlayer |
Burning Seabrooks Crisps | Delights of Chemistry in Leeds | Gif animation |
Cabbage - red or blue? | Peter Keusch, University of Regensburg | RealPlayer |
Capillary Electrophoresis | Sam Houston State University | Quicktime, Shockwave, Gif animation |
Charles' Law | Iowa State University | Shockwave |
Chemical Kinetics Simulation | University of California Irvine | Java Applet |
Chemistry of Disappearing Ink | Chemical Demonstrations by Lee Marek | RealPlayer |
Claisen Reaction | Univeristy of Texas, Austin | Chime, Quicktime |
Colors of Elements in a Flame: Lithium Chloride | Journal of Chemical Education | Quicktime |
Conductivity | Iowa State University | Shockwave |
Conformation | The University of Arizona | Quicktime |
Copper Amine Complex Formation | Sam Houston State University | Quicktime, Shockwave, Gif animation |
Crack Process | Peter Keusch, University of Regensburg | RealPlayer |
Critical Point of Benzene (Temperature Decreases) | Journal of Chemical Education | Quicktime |
Crush the Can | Iowa State University | Shockwave |
Crystal Violet - a pH Indicator | Peter Keusch, University of Regensburg | RealPlayer |
Diazotization of Aniline Derivatives:Nitrous Acid Test | Journal of Chemical Education | Quicktime |
Diels-Alder Reaction | Univeristy of Texas, Austin | Chime, Quicktime |
Diffusion | Iowa State University | Shockwave |
Distributions of Counterions around DNA. | Visualization and Animation Laboratory at CSC | Gif Animation, GopenMol |
DNPO - Chemiluminescent Rainbow | Delights of Chemistry in Leeds | Gif animation |
Dry Cell | Iowa State University | Shockwave |
Dynamite Chemistry | University of Oxford | Quicktime |
Effect of Oxygen Binding on Heme | The University of Arizona | Quicktime |
Effusion | Iowa State University | Shockwave |
Electrochemical Cell | Iowa State University | Shockwave |
Electrolysis | Iowa State University | Shockwave |
Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution | Univeristy of Texas, Austin | Chime, Quicktime |
Elimination Reaction | Univeristy of Texas, Austin | Chime, Quicktime |
Ether Vapour | Delights of Chemistry in Leeds | Gif animation |
Exploding Ostrich Egg | Chemical Demonstrations by Lee Marek | RealPlayer |
Fading of Ketchup using Bromine | Peter Keusch, University of Regensburg | RealPlayer |
Fehling's Test | Peter Keusch, University of Regensburg | RealPlayer |
Fehling's Test for Reducing Sugars | Journal of Chemical Education | Quicktime |
Ferrofluid | Journal of Chemical Education | Quicktime |
Fire in Ice | Chemical Demonstrations by Lee Marek | RealPlayer |
Fire from Water | Delights of Chemistry in Leeds | Gif animation |
Fire from Cr2O3 + Ethanol | Delights of Chemistry in Leeds | Gif animation |
Flame Ionization Detector | Sam Houston State University | Quicktime, Shockwave, Gif animation |
Flammable solid | Delights of Chemistry in Leeds | Gif animation |
Flashlight | Iowa State University | Shockwave |
Foam Plastic Styropor - Polystyrene Processing | Peter Keusch, University of Regensburg | RealPlayer |
Foam - Polyurethane | Delights of Chemistry in Leeds | Gif animation |
Gas Chromatography with Split/Splitless Injection | Sam Houston State University | Quicktime, Shockwave, Gif animation |
Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry | Sam Houston State University | Quicktime, Gif animation |
Gas Chromatography | Sam Houston State University | Quicktime, Gif animation |
Gel Electrophoresis | Sam Houston State University | Quicktime, Shockwave, Gif animation |
Gun Cotton | Delights of Chemistry in Leeds | Gif animation |
H2O2 + KI in soapy water | Delights of Chemistry in Leeds | Gif animation |
Heat of neutralization | Iowa State University | Shockwave |
Heat of solution | Iowa State University | Shockwave |
Heat transfer | Iowa State University | Shockwave |
How a Grating Works | Sam Houston State University | Quicktime, Shockwave, Gif animation |
Hydride Generation Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy | Sam Houston State University | Quicktime, Shockwave, Gif animation |
Hydroformylation of Alkenes | University of Oxford | Quicktime |
Hydrogen Bromide Addition | Univeristy of Texas, Austin | Chime, Quicktime |
Hydrogenation of Alkenes | University of Oxford | Quicktime |
Hydrolysis of tert-Butyl Chloride | Journal of Chemical Education | Quicktime |
Hydrolysis of tertiary Butylhalides | Peter Keusch, University of Regensburg | RealPlayer |
Ice Bomb | Journal of Chemical Education | Quicktime |
Infra-Red Spectroscopy | The University of Arizona | Quicktime |
Interview with Professor Sir Harry Kroto, Nobel Laureate (Sussex): "Bucky Tubes" | Interviews at Imperial College | Quicktime, RealPlayer, MediaPlayer |
Interview with Professor Robert B. Woodward, Nobel Laureate (Harvard): "Cephalosporin C" | Interviews at Imperial College | Quicktime, RealPlayer, MediaPlayer |
Interview with Professor Sir Geoffrey Wilkinson, Nobel Laureate: "Organometallic chemistry" | Interviews at Imperial College | Quicktime, RealPlayer, MediaPlayer |
Interview with Professor Sir Derek Barton, Nobel Laureate: "Conformational Analysis" | Interviews at Imperial College | Quicktime, RealPlayer, MediaPlayer |
Interview with Professor Ian Fleming (Cambridge): "Stereo Control in Organic Synthesis using Silicon Compounds" | Interviews at Imperial College | Quicktime, RealPlayer, MediaPlayer |
Interview with Professor Charles Rees FRS: "New Frontiers in Heterocyclic chemistry". | Interviews at Imperial College | Quicktime, RealPlayer, MediaPlayer |
Interview with Professor David Phillips: "A little light relief" | Interviews at Imperial College | Quicktime, RealPlayer, MediaPlayer |
Interview with Professor Tony Barrett FRS: " Novel Polymers, Novel Linkers and Novel Transformations in Parallel Synthesis" | Interviews at Imperial College | Quicktime, RealPlayer, MediaPlayer |
Interview with Lord George Porter, Nobel Laureate: "Photochemistry" | Interviews at Imperial College | Quicktime, RealPlayer, MediaPlayer |
Iodoform Reaction - Test for Methyl Ketones | Peter Keusch, University of Regensburg | RealPlayer |
Keto-Enol-Tautomerism of Ethyl Acetoacetate | Peter Keusch, University of Regensburg | RealPlayer |
Kinetics | Iowa State University | Shockwave |
Landolt Reaction - Iodine Clock Kinetics | Peter Keusch, University of Regensburg | RealPlayer |
Lead Iodide (Gold Reaction) | Delights of Chemistry in Leeds | Gif animation |
Lime Light | Delights of Chemistry in Leeds | Gif animation |
Liquid Oxygen | Delights of Chemistry in Leeds | Gif animation |
Liquid Nitrogen | Delights of Chemistry in Leeds | Gif animation |
Liquid nitrogen blowing up balloons | Delights of Chemistry in Leeds | Gif animation |
Magnesium Lamp | Delights of Chemistry in Leeds | Gif animation |
Manometer experiment | Iowa State University | Shockwave |
Micelles | Visualization and Animation Laboratory at CSC | Gif Animation, GopenMol |
Michael Reaction | Univeristy of Texas, Austin | Chime, Quicktime |
Modified Landolt Reaction - Coca Cola & Beer | Peter Keusch, University of Regensburg | RealPlayer |
Modified Landolt Reaction - 'Old Nassau' | Peter Keusch, University of Regensburg | RealPlayer |
Molecular Recognition | The University of Arizona | Quicktime |
Negative Solvatochromism | Peter Keusch, University of Regensburg | RealPlayer |
Nitrogen Triiodide Detonation | Journal of Chemical Education | Quicktime |
NO2 + aniline | Delights of Chemistry in Leeds | Gif animation |
Old Nassau | Delights of Chemistry in Leeds | Gif animation |
Optical Rotatory Dispersion: | Journal of Chemical Education | Quicktime |
Oxidation of 1,3,5-Triphenylverdazyl | Peter Keusch, University of Regensburg | RealPlayer |
Oxidation of Ammonia | Delights of Chemistry in Leeds | Gif animation |
Oxidation of the Butanol Isomers | Peter Keusch, University of Regensburg | RealPlayer |
Ozone's Problem with Polar Stratospheric Clouds | Sam Houston State University | Quicktime, Gif animation |
Phosphorus Moon | Delights of Chemistry in Leeds | Gif animation |
Photomultiplier Tube Movie | Sam Houston State University | |
Polarized Light and Sucrose Solution in a Tall Cylinder | Journal of Chemical Education | Quicktime |
Positive Solvatochromism | Peter Keusch, University of Regensburg | RealPlayer |
Precipitation Reaction: Sodium Iodide with Mercury(II) Chloride | Journal of Chemical Education | Quicktime |
Protein Structure | The University of Arizona | Quicktime |
Pulsating Electrochemical Reaction: Mercury Beating Heart | Journal of Chemical Education | Quicktime |
Pulsed Flame Photometric Detector | Sam Houston State University | Quicktime, Gif animation |
Reaction of Butylbromide Isomers with Silver Nitrate | Peter Keusch, University of Regensburg | RealPlayer |
Reaction of Carboxylic Acids with Magnesium | Peter Keusch, University of Regensburg | RealPlayer |
Reaction of Cyclohexene with Bromine and Permanganate | Peter Keusch, University of Regensburg | RealPlayer |
Reaction of 1,2-Dibromoethane with Zinc | Peter Keusch, University of Regensburg | RealPlayer |
Reaction of Dihydroxybenzene Isomers with Ferric Chloride | Peter Keusch, University of Regensburg | RealPlayer |
Reaction of Magnesium with Carbon Dioxide | Journal of Chemical Education | Quicktime |
Reaction of Silver Nitrate with Sodium Hydroxide | Journal of Chemical Education | Quicktime |
Reaction of Sodium Hydroxide with Cobalt(II) Chloride | Journal of Chemical Education | Quicktime |
Reaction of Sodium with Acid | Journal of Chemical Education | Quicktime |
Reaction of Sodium with Chlorine | Journal of Chemical Education | Quicktime |
Redoxsystem p-Benzoquinone / Hydroquinone | Peter Keusch, University of Regensburg | RealPlayer |
Reduction and Methylation Mechanism of Oxyanions of Se | Sam Houston State University | Quicktime, Gif animation |
Reduction of Viologen Dication | Peter Keusch, University of Regensburg | RealPlayer |
Rutherford's Gold Foil Experiment | Sam Houston State University | Quicktime, Gif animation |
Rydberg States of Weakly Interacting Systems | Visualization and Animation Laboratory at CSC | Gif Animation, GopenMol |
Silane Gas | Delights of Chemistry in Leeds | Gif animation |
Small molecule diffusion in polymers. | Visualization and Animation Laboratory at CSC | Gif Animation, GopenMol |
Smoke | Delights of Chemistry in Leeds | Gif animation |
SN2 Reaction Mechanism | The University of Arizona | Quicktime |
Soda Pop Shower | Chemical Demonstrations by Lee Marek | RealPlayer |
Solvent Focussing in Gas Chromatography | Sam Houston State University | Quicktime, Shockwave, Gif animation |
Some of the more interesting vibrational modes of Benzene | Berkeley | Quicktime |
Starch - widely available in many Foods | Peter Keusch, University of Regensburg | RealPlayer |
Stoichiometry | Iowa State University | Shockwave |
Substitution Reaction | Univeristy of Texas, Austin | Chime, Quicktime |
Sugar + Sulphuric Acid | Delights of Chemistry in Leeds | Gif animation |
Synthesis of Nylon 6 (Perlon) | Peter Keusch, University of Regensburg | RealPlayer |
Synthesis of Nylon 6,10 | Peter Keusch, University of Regensburg | RealPlayer |
Taxol in motion | University of Oxford | Quicktime |
The Barking Dog | Delights of Chemistry in Leeds | Gif animation, streaming video, MPEG movie |
The Dynamics of spreading of small droplets of chainlike molecules on surfaces | Visualization and Animation Laboratory at CSC | Gif Animation, GopenMol |
The Electron Capture Detector | Sam Houston State University | Quicktime, Gif animation |
The Four Foot Tall Bunsen Burner | Chemical Demonstrations by Lee Marek | RealPlayer |
The Happy Molecules | University of California Irvine | Java Applet |
The Ideal Atmosphere | University of California Irvine | Java Applet |
The Particle in the Box | University of California Irvine | Java Applet |
The Photoelectric Effect | Sam Houston State University | Quicktime, Shockwave, Gif animation |
The Protein cellobiohydrolase I (CBH1) | Visualization and Animation Laboratory at CSC | Gif Animation, GopenMol |
The Second Law | University of California Irvine | Java Applet |
The Volcano Reaction | Delights of Chemistry in Leeds | Gif animation |
Thermite Reaction | Delights of Chemistry in Leeds | Gif animation |
Thermite Reaction II | Chemical Demonstrations by Lee Marek | RealPlayer |
Titration Movie | Sam Houston State University | Quicktime, Gif animation |
Tollens Reaction - Silver Mirror Test | Peter Keusch, University of Regensburg | RealPlayer |
Tuneable Monochromator | Sam Houston State University | Quicktime, Gif animation |
Visualization of Solvation Structures in Liquid Mixtures | Visualization and Animation Laboratory at CSC | Gif Animation, GopenMol |
What Does the Earth's Tilt Mean for Atmospheric Chemistry | Sam Houston State University | Quicktime, Shockwave, Gif animation |
Wursters Blue | Peter Keusch, University of Regensburg | RealPlayer |
Xanthoprotein Reaction | Peter Keusch, University of Regensburg | RealPlayer |
X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy | Sam Houston State University | Quicktime, Shockwave, Gif animation |
Film dan Animasi Pelajaran IPA
Chemical Demonstrations by Lee Marek
6-Port HPLC Injection Valve
Sam Houston State University
Quicktime, Shockwave, Gif animation
A Simple SN2 Reaction
A Modest Chemiluminescence Movie
Sam Houston State University
Quicktime, Gif animation
A QuickTime VR Laboratory Image
Sam Houston State University
A Double Beam Spectrophotometer
Sam Houston State University
Quicktime, Gif animation
A Cream Cracker + Liquid O2
Delights of Chemistry in Leeds
Gif animation
Acid-Base Equlibria
Iowa State University
Acid catalyzed Esterification - Test for Water formed
Peter Keusch, University of Regensburg
Acidic Azo Dyes
Peter Keusch, University of Regensburg
Addition of Bisulfite to Aldehydes
Peter Keusch, University of Regensburg
Aldol Condensation Reaction
Univeristy of Texas, Austin
Chime, Quicktime
Anti-cancer Platinum Complexes in motion
University of Oxford
Atmospheric Fixation of Nitrogen
University of Oxford
Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy
Sam Houston State University
Quicktime, Shockwave, Gif animation
Atomic Emission Detector
Sam Houston State University
Quicktime, Gif animation
BaCp2 in motion
University of Oxford
Balloons - Three balloons of H2 and one of H2 mixed with O2
Delights of Chemistry in Leeds
Gif animation
Peter Keusch, University of Regensburg
Biuret Reaction - Protein in Egg Albumen
Peter Keusch, University of Regensburg
Boyle's Law
Iowa State University
Breaking a Concrete Block
Chemical Demonstrations by Lee Marek
Brevetoxin in motion
University of Oxford
Briggs-Rauscher Reaction
Peter Keusch, University of Regensburg
Bubbles of H2 with a little O2
Delights of Chemistry in Leeds
Gif animation
Burning Bubbles of Methane Gas
Chemical Demonstrations by Lee Marek
Burning Gummi Bears
Chemical Demonstrations by Lee Marek
Burning Seabrooks Crisps
Delights of Chemistry in Leeds
Gif animation
Cabbage - red or blue?
Peter Keusch, University of Regensburg
Capillary Electrophoresis
Sam Houston State University
Quicktime, Shockwave, Gif animation
Charles' Law
Iowa State University
Chemical Kinetics Simulation
University of California Irvine
Java Applet
Chemistry of Disappearing Ink
Chemical Demonstrations by Lee Marek
Claisen Reaction
Univeristy of Texas, Austin
Chime, Quicktime
Colors of Elements in a Flame: Lithium Chloride
Journal of Chemical Education
Iowa State University
The University of Arizona
Copper Amine Complex Formation
Sam Houston State University
Quicktime, Shockwave, Gif animation
Crack Process
Peter Keusch, University of Regensburg
Critical Point of Benzene (Temperature Decreases)
Journal of Chemical Education
Crush the Can
Iowa State University
Crystal Violet - a pH Indicator
Peter Keusch, University of Regensburg
Diazotization of Aniline Derivatives:Nitrous Acid Test
Journal of Chemical Education
Diels-Alder Reaction
Univeristy of Texas, Austin
Chime, Quicktime
Iowa State University
Distributions of Counterions around DNA.
Visualization and Animation Laboratory at CSC
Gif Animation, GopenMol
DNPO - Chemiluminescent Rainbow
Delights of Chemistry in Leeds
Gif animation
Dry Cell
Iowa State University
Dynamite Chemistry
University of Oxford
Effect of Oxygen Binding on Heme
The University of Arizona
Iowa State University
Electrochemical Cell
Iowa State University
Iowa State University
Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution
Univeristy of Texas, Austin
Chime, Quicktime
Elimination Reaction
Univeristy of Texas, Austin
Chime, Quicktime
Ether Vapour
Delights of Chemistry in Leeds
Gif animation
Exploding Ostrich Egg
Chemical Demonstrations by Lee Marek
Fading of Ketchup using Bromine
Peter Keusch, University of Regensburg
Fehling's Test
Peter Keusch, University of Regensburg
Fehling's Test for Reducing Sugars
Journal of Chemical Education
Journal of Chemical Education
Fire in Ice
Chemical Demonstrations by Lee Marek
Fire from Water
Delights of Chemistry in Leeds
Gif animation
Fire from Cr2O3 + Ethanol
Delights of Chemistry in Leeds
Gif animation
Flame Ionization Detector
Sam Houston State University
Quicktime, Shockwave, Gif animation
Flammable solid
Delights of Chemistry in Leeds
Gif animation
Iowa State University
Foam Plastic Styropor - Polystyrene Processing
Peter Keusch, University of Regensburg
Foam - Polyurethane
Delights of Chemistry in Leeds
Gif animation
Gas Chromatography with Split/Splitless Injection
Sam Houston State University
Quicktime, Shockwave, Gif animation
Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry
Sam Houston State University
Quicktime, Gif animation
Gas Chromatography
Sam Houston State University
Quicktime, Gif animation
Gel Electrophoresis
Sam Houston State University
Quicktime, Shockwave, Gif animation
Gun Cotton
Delights of Chemistry in Leeds
Gif animation
H2O2 + KI in soapy water
Delights of Chemistry in Leeds
Gif animation
Heat of neutralization
Iowa State University
Heat of solution
Iowa State University
Heat transfer
Iowa State University
How a Grating Works
Sam Houston State University
Quicktime, Shockwave, Gif animation
Hydride Generation Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy
Sam Houston State University
Quicktime, Shockwave, Gif animation
Hydroformylation of Alkenes
University of Oxford
Hydrogen Bromide Addition
Univeristy of Texas, Austin
Chime, Quicktime
Hydrogenation of Alkenes
University of Oxford
Hydrolysis of tert-Butyl Chloride
Journal of Chemical Education
Hydrolysis of tertiary Butylhalides
Peter Keusch, University of Regensburg
Ice Bomb
Journal of Chemical Education
Infra-Red Spectroscopy
The University of Arizona
Interview with Professor Sir Harry Kroto, Nobel Laureate (Sussex): "Bucky Tubes"
Interviews at Imperial College
Quicktime, RealPlayer, MediaPlayer
Interview with Professor Robert B. Woodward, Nobel Laureate (Harvard): "Cephalosporin C"
Interviews at Imperial College
Quicktime, RealPlayer, MediaPlayer
Interview with Professor Sir Geoffrey Wilkinson, Nobel Laureate: "Organometallic chemistry"
Interviews at Imperial College
Quicktime, RealPlayer, MediaPlayer
Interview with Professor Sir Derek Barton, Nobel Laureate: "Conformational Analysis"
Interviews at Imperial College
Quicktime, RealPlayer, MediaPlayer
Interview with Professor Ian Fleming (Cambridge): "Stereo Control in Organic Synthesis using Silicon Compounds"
Interviews at Imperial College
Quicktime, RealPlayer, MediaPlayer
Interview with Professor Charles Rees FRS: "New Frontiers in Heterocyclic chemistry".
Interviews at Imperial College
Quicktime, RealPlayer, MediaPlayer
Interview with Professor David Phillips: "A little light relief"
Interviews at Imperial College
Quicktime, RealPlayer, MediaPlayer
Interview with Professor Tony Barrett FRS: " Novel Polymers, Novel Linkers and Novel Transformations in Parallel Synthesis"
Interviews at Imperial College
Quicktime, RealPlayer, MediaPlayer
Interview with Lord George Porter, Nobel Laureate: "Photochemistry"
Interviews at Imperial College
Quicktime, RealPlayer, MediaPlayer
Iodoform Reaction - Test for Methyl Ketones
Peter Keusch, University of Regensburg
Keto-Enol-Tautomerism of Ethyl Acetoacetate
Peter Keusch, University of Regensburg
Iowa State University
Landolt Reaction - Iodine Clock Kinetics
Peter Keusch, University of Regensburg
Lead Iodide (Gold Reaction)
Delights of Chemistry in Leeds
Gif animation
Lime Light
Delights of Chemistry in Leeds
Gif animation
Liquid Oxygen
Delights of Chemistry in Leeds
Gif animation
Liquid Nitrogen
Delights of Chemistry in Leeds
Gif animation
Liquid nitrogen blowing up balloons
Delights of Chemistry in Leeds
Gif animation
Magnesium Lamp
Delights of Chemistry in Leeds
Gif animation
Manometer experiment
Iowa State University
Visualization and Animation Laboratory at CSC
Gif Animation, GopenMol
Michael Reaction
Univeristy of Texas, Austin
Chime, Quicktime
Modified Landolt Reaction - Coca Cola & Beer
Peter Keusch, University of Regensburg
Modified Landolt Reaction - 'Old Nassau'
Peter Keusch, University of Regensburg
Molecular Recognition
The University of Arizona
Negative Solvatochromism
Peter Keusch, University of Regensburg
Nitrogen Triiodide Detonation
Journal of Chemical Education
NO2 + aniline
Delights of Chemistry in Leeds
Gif animation
Old Nassau
Delights of Chemistry in Leeds
Gif animation
Optical Rotatory Dispersion:
Journal of Chemical Education
Oxidation of 1,3,5-Triphenylverdazyl
Peter Keusch, University of Regensburg
Oxidation of Ammonia
Delights of Chemistry in Leeds
Gif animation
Oxidation of the Butanol Isomers
Peter Keusch, University of Regensburg
Ozone's Problem with Polar Stratospheric Clouds
Sam Houston State University
Quicktime, Gif animation
Phosphorus Moon
Delights of Chemistry in Leeds
Gif animation
Photomultiplier Tube Movie
Sam Houston State University
Polarized Light and Sucrose Solution in a Tall Cylinder
Journal of Chemical Education
Positive Solvatochromism
Peter Keusch, University of Regensburg
Precipitation Reaction: Sodium Iodide with Mercury(II) Chloride
Journal of Chemical Education
Protein Structure
The University of Arizona
Pulsating Electrochemical Reaction: Mercury Beating Heart
Journal of Chemical Education
Pulsed Flame Photometric Detector
Sam Houston State University
Quicktime, Gif animation
Reaction of Butylbromide Isomers with Silver Nitrate
Peter Keusch, University of Regensburg
Reaction of Carboxylic Acids with Magnesium
Peter Keusch, University of Regensburg
Reaction of Cyclohexene with Bromine and Permanganate
Peter Keusch, University of Regensburg
Reaction of 1,2-Dibromoethane with Zinc
Peter Keusch, University of Regensburg
Reaction of Dihydroxybenzene Isomers with Ferric Chloride
Peter Keusch, University of Regensburg
Reaction of Magnesium with Carbon Dioxide
Journal of Chemical Education
Reaction of Silver Nitrate with Sodium Hydroxide
Journal of Chemical Education
Reaction of Sodium Hydroxide with Cobalt(II) Chloride
Journal of Chemical Education
Reaction of Sodium with Acid
Journal of Chemical Education
Reaction of Sodium with Chlorine
Journal of Chemical Education
Redoxsystem p-Benzoquinone / Hydroquinone
Peter Keusch, University of Regensburg
Reduction and Methylation Mechanism of Oxyanions of Se
Sam Houston State University
Quicktime, Gif animation
Reduction of Viologen Dication
Peter Keusch, University of Regensburg
Rutherford's Gold Foil Experiment
Sam Houston State University
Quicktime, Gif animation
Rydberg States of Weakly Interacting Systems
Visualization and Animation Laboratory at CSC
Gif Animation, GopenMol
Silane Gas
Delights of Chemistry in Leeds
Gif animation
Small molecule diffusion in polymers.
Visualization and Animation Laboratory at CSC
Gif Animation, GopenMol
Delights of Chemistry in Leeds
Gif animation
SN2 Reaction Mechanism
The University of Arizona
Soda Pop Shower
Chemical Demonstrations by Lee Marek
Solvent Focussing in Gas Chromatography
Sam Houston State University
Quicktime, Shockwave, Gif animation
Some of the more interesting vibrational modes of Benzene
Starch - widely available in many Foods
Peter Keusch, University of Regensburg
Iowa State University
Substitution Reaction
Univeristy of Texas, Austin
Chime, Quicktime
Sugar + Sulphuric Acid
Delights of Chemistry in Leeds
Gif animation
Synthesis of Nylon 6 (Perlon)
Peter Keusch, University of Regensburg
Synthesis of Nylon 6,10
Peter Keusch, University of Regensburg
Taxol in motion
University of Oxford
The Barking Dog
Delights of Chemistry in Leeds
Gif animation, streaming video, MPEG movie
The Dynamics of spreading of small droplets of chainlike molecules on surfaces
Visualization and Animation Laboratory at CSC
Gif Animation, GopenMol
The Electron Capture Detector
Sam Houston State University
Quicktime, Gif animation
The Four Foot Tall Bunsen Burner
Chemical Demonstrations by Lee Marek
The Happy Molecules
University of California Irvine
Java Applet
The Ideal Atmosphere
University of California Irvine
Java Applet
The Particle in the Box
University of California Irvine
Java Applet
The Photoelectric Effect
Sam Houston State University
Quicktime, Shockwave, Gif animation
The Protein cellobiohydrolase I (CBH1)
Visualization and Animation Laboratory at CSC
Gif Animation, GopenMol
The Second Law
University of California Irvine
Java Applet
The Volcano Reaction
Delights of Chemistry in Leeds
Gif animation
Thermite Reaction
Delights of Chemistry in Leeds
Gif animation
Thermite Reaction II
Chemical Demonstrations by Lee Marek
Titration Movie
Sam Houston State University
Quicktime, Gif animation
Tollens Reaction - Silver Mirror Test
Peter Keusch, University of Regensburg
Tuneable Monochromator
Sam Houston State University
Quicktime, Gif animation
Visualization of Solvation Structures in Liquid Mixtures
Visualization and Animation Laboratory at CSC
Gif Animation, GopenMol
What Does the Earth's Tilt Mean for Atmospheric Chemistry
Sam Houston State University
Quicktime, Shockwave, Gif animation
Wursters Blue
Peter Keusch, University of Regensburg
Xanthoprotein Reaction
Peter Keusch, University of Regensburg
X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy
Sam Houston State University
Quicktime, Shockwave, Gif animation