Rabu, 11 Mei 2011

belajar robot

belajar robot adalah mempelajari teknologi penciptaan, satu hal keyakinan bahwa alam semesta ada yang menciptakan

Senin, 09 Mei 2011

robot agrikultur

Ada peningkatan kesadaran dan pengembangan robot pertanian di seluruh dunia. Di halaman ini saya akan mencoba untuk menyatukan link ke proyek-proyek yang saya tahu

Autonomous Crop Treatment Vehicle (1993-1996)
Name: ACTV. Champion: Nick Tillett
Type: Two wheel drive, differential steer

Tillett and Hague Technology Ltd
The Weedy robot from the Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science
 University of Applied Sciences Osnabrueck, Germany
Name: Weedy. Champion: Arno Ruckelshausen
Type: Four wheel drive / Four wheel steer
A related paper can be found here (in German)
The autonomous tractor developed at Copenhagen University in Denmark.
Name: Hako. Champion: Hans Griepentrog
Type: Rear wheel drive / Front wheel steer modified grounds tractor
Power: 27hp Diesel

Related projects: See RoboWeed and Safe and Reliable

Notes: Standard front, centre and rear linkages allow multiple implements to be attached.

Details can also be found on these pages here.
The autonomous Christmas tree weeder developed at Copenhagen University in Denmark.
Name: ACW. Champion: Henrik Have
Type: Rear wheel drive / Front wheel steer modified grass cutter
Power: 9 kW Petrol
Notes: Retractable side cutter

Details can also be found on these pages here.
The Supportive Autonomous Vehicle for AGriculturE built my MSc students at the Piraeus Institute of Technology, Greece in collaboration with University of Thessaly.
Name: SAVAGE. Champions: Kostas Tressos & Ioannis Andreou
Type: 4WD / 4WS portal
Power: 4x200W electric motors
Notes: simple mechanical design allowed fabrication by blacksmith.
hts3.jpg (24100 bytes) The Autonomous Platform and Information system. Originally built by 2 MSc Students at the Danish Technical University (Mobile Robot for Weeding). Their thesis can be found here.
Further work was carried out on the API design by 3 MSc students at Aalborg university.
Name: API. Champion:?
Type: 4WD / 4WS portal
Power: Battery + 4x?W wheel motors
Related projects: See the Agrobotics project and the ACROSS project.
Notes: Two versions were made
The Hortibot, an integration between the Spider grass cutter and the API built at DIAS in Denmark. Videos can be found here.
Name: Hortibot. Champion: Rasmus Jørgensen
Type: 4WD / 4WS modified grass cutter
Power: 13kW Petrol.
Notes: Modified to allow rotation, smart micro sprayer added.


The FieldRobot event. Although technically not a robot in itself the annual FieldRobot event does promote many good agricultural robots.



Weeding robot developed at Wageningen UR by Tijmen Bakker. (Presentation
Name: ?. Champion: Tijmen Bakker
Type: 4WD / 4WS Portal tractor
Power: Diesel engine
Notes: Tijmen successfully defended his PhD 13 Feb 2009
The SlugBot was developed to investigate the issues of energetic autonomy, by harvesting slugs and putting them into a digester to power the robot!
Name: SlugBot. Champion: Ian Kelly
Type: 4WD skid steer
Power: (2 slugs per hour? ;)
Notes: See also EcoBots
EcoBots I and II developed at the Bristol Robotics Laboratory, UK, use microbial fuel cells to power themselves - but very slowly.
Name: EcoBot. Champion: Chris Melhuish
Type: 2WD differential steer
Power: Dead flies
The Halmstad weeding robot, Sweden.
Name: ?. Champion:  Albert-Jan Baerveldt / Björn Åstrand
Type: Rear wheel drive / Front wheel steer
Power: ? Petrol engine
Notes: Vision guidance and plant recognition with mechanical weeding
The Modulaire tractor was designed as a remote controlled tractor in the 1990s. Nine were built in Finland and one was modified for GPS control. Here is a movie. (DivX, 4MB)
Name: Modulaire. Champion:?
Type: tracks
Power: 40hp
Notes: Front and rear linkages


Autonomous guidance projects at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
Name:? Champion: Qin Zhang
Rear wheel drive / Front wheel steer
Power: ?
Notes: Conventional tractor modified for automatic steering
The AgRover robot being developed at Iowa State University, USA
Name: AgRover. Champion: Lie Tang
Four wheel drive / Four wheel steer
Power: Battery + 4 wheel motors
Notes: Self levelling frame
The Skinny Boy robot being developed at USP san Carlos, (with EMBRAPA) Brazil.
Name: Skinny Boy. Champion: Ricardo Inamasu
Four wheel drive / Four wheel steer
Power: Battery + 4 wheel motors
Notes: large stable space frame

evolusi ponsel (telepon selular)

evolusi ponsel dari berbagai sumber


1. SCR-194 (1938)

From Backpack Transceiver to Smartphone: A Visual History of the Mobile Phone

Alat komunasi ini adalah 'mbahnya' ponsel. SCR-194 dan SCR-195 adalah radio AM portabel pertama di dunia. Ia dibuat oleh US ARMY Signal Corps Engineering Laboratories di Fort Monmouth, New Jersey. Alat yang dipandang sebagai walkie talkie pertama itu bobotnya sekitar 11 kg dan berdaya jangkau 8 km. 


2. SCR-300 (1940)

From Backpack Transceiver to Smartphone: A Visual History of the Mobile Phone

Alat ini adalah pengganti SCR-195. Dikembangkan oleh Motorola, SCR-300 merupakan radio FM portabel yang digunakan oleh pasukan sekutu pada perang dunia II. Bobotnya antara 14-17 kg, dengan radius jangkauan 4,8 km.


3. SCR-536 (1942)

From Backpack Transceiver to Smartphone: A Visual History of the Mobile Phone

Motorola memproduksi 'handie talkie' ini untuk AS, sebagai pengembangan dari dua alat komunikasi sebelumnya. Dengan menggunakan teknologi radio AM, SCR-536 beratnya jauh lebih ringan, yakni hanya 2,27 kg dengan daya jangkau 1,6 km.


4. MTA (1956)

From Backpack Transceiver to Smartphone: A Visual History of the Mobile Phone

Mobile System A (MTA) ini adalah perangkat komunikasi besutan Ericsson dan digunakan oleh Swedia. Bobotnya 40 kg atau setara dengan bobot 300 unit ponsel iPhone.


5. DYNATAC (1973)

From Backpack Transceiver to Smartphone: A Visual History of the Mobile Phone

Motorola membuat prototipe telepon portabel Dynamic Adaptive Total Area Coverage (DYNATAC) sebagai ponsel pribadi praktis pertama. Di gambar, bekas Wakil Presiden Motorola Martin Cooper tengah menelepon pesaingnya dari Bell Labs, Joel S Engel.


6. DynaTAC (1983)

From Backpack Transceiver to Smartphone: A Visual History of the Mobile Phone

Sepuluh tahun setelah kemunculan prototipe DynaTAC, Motorola mulai memasarkan ponsel ini ke publik. Dengan bobot seberat 0,9 kg, DYNATAC bekerja di jaringan teknologi AMPS, layanan selular analog generasi pertama di Amerika Utara.


7. MicroTAC (1989)

From Backpack Transceiver to Smartphone: A Visual History of the Mobile Phone

Motorola memperkenalkan MicroTAC yang merupakan desain ponsel flip pertama di dunia. Desain ini mengurangi ukuran ponsel saat tidak digunakan. Dengan ukurannya yang kecil. MicroTAC juga merupakan ponsel saku pertama di dunia.


8. StarTAC (1996)

From Backpack Transceiver to Smartphone: A Visual History of the Mobile Phone

Melanjutkan lini TAC-nya, Motorola kemudian meluncurkan ponsel clamshell pertama bernama StarTAC yang bisa dilipat seperti cangkang kerang. Menurut Motorola, ponsel ini terinspirasi oleh perangkat komunikasi yang muncul pada film serial Star Trek.


9. Communicator (1997)

From Backpack Transceiver to Smartphone: A Visual History of the Mobile Phone

Nokia 9000 Communicator adalah ponsel yang membawa pengguna memasuki era ponsel pintar atau smartphone. Dengan desain clamshell-nya, ponsel ini yang pertama menyediakan layar LCD serta papan kunci QWERTY yang utuh. 


10. Benefon (1999)

From Backpack Transceiver to Smartphone: A Visual History of the Mobile Phone

Geosentric merupakan vendor ponsel pertama yang membuat ponsel yang terintegrasi dengan perangkat GPS. Tak cuma itu, ponsel bernama Benefon ini tahan cipratan air, menggunakan greyscale, serta menyediakan peta untuk melacak posisi dan pergerakan pengguna.


11. VP-201 (1999)

From Backpack Transceiver to Smartphone: A Visual History of the Mobile Phone

Di Jepang, Kyocera meluncurkan ponsel VP-201 yang merupakan ponsel pertama yang memiliki kamera terintegrasi. 


12. BlackBerry 5810 (2002)

From Backpack Transceiver to Smartphone: A Visual History of the Mobile Phone

RIM meluncurkan perangkat BlackBerry pertama yang terintegrasi dengan ponsel. Ini adalah ponsel yang menyasar pengguna profesional yang membutuhkan layanan email seketika dan penyesuaian skedul. Kelemahannya, perangkat ini tak punya speaker dan mikrofon.


13. iPhone (2007)

Apple iPhone

Steve Jobs mulai mengenalkan Apple iPhone pada 2007, sebuah ponsel pintar revolusioner yang menggunakan layar sentuh sekaligus mengadopsi teknologi 3G.


14. HTC EVO 4G (2010)

From Backpack Transceiver to Smartphone: A Visual History of the Mobile Phone

Ponsel ini adalah ponsel pertama yang mengadopsi standar 4G, dan beroperasi di jaringan WiMAX. Dengan sistem operas Android 2.1, ia merupakan ponsel berlayar sentuh paling besar, kamera 8 MP, perekam video definisi tinggi, keluaran HDMI, fitur Mobile Hotspot, dan antar muka HTC Sense.

robot agrikultur pertanian

Ada peningkatan kesadaran dan pengembangan robot pertanian di seluruh dunia. Di halaman ini saya akan mencoba untuk menyatukan link ke proyek-proyek yang saya tahu

Autonomous Crop Treatment Vehicle (1993-1996)
Name: ACTV. Champion: Nick Tillett
Type: Two wheel drive, differential steer

Tillett and Hague Technology Ltd
The Weedy robot from the Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science
University of Applied Sciences Osnabrueck, Germany
Name: Weedy. Champion: Arno Ruckelshausen
Type: Four wheel drive / Four wheel steer
A related paper can be found here (in German)
The autonomous tractor developed at Copenhagen University in Denmark.
Name: Hako. Champion: Hans Griepentrog
Type: Rear wheel drive / Front wheel steer modified grounds tractor
Power: 27hp Diesel

Related projects: See RoboWeed and Safe and Reliable

Notes: Standard front, centre and rear linkages allow multiple implements to be attached.

Details can also be found on these pages here.
The autonomous Christmas tree weeder developed at Copenhagen University in Denmark.
Name: ACW. Champion: Henrik Have
Type: Rear wheel drive / Front wheel steer modified grass cutter
Power: 9 kW Petrol
Notes: Retractable side cutter

Details can also be found on these pages here.
The Supportive Autonomous Vehicle for AGriculturE built my MSc students at the Piraeus Institute of Technology, Greece in collaboration with University of Thessaly.
Name: SAVAGE. Champions: Kostas Tressos & Ioannis Andreou
Type: 4WD / 4WS portal
Power: 4x200W electric motors
Notes: simple mechanical design allowed fabrication by blacksmith.
hts3.jpg (24100 bytes) The Autonomous Platform and Information system. Originally built by 2 MSc Students at the Danish Technical University (Mobile Robot for Weeding). Their thesis can be found here.
Further work was carried out on the API design by 3 MSc students at Aalborg university.
Name: API. Champion:?
Type: 4WD / 4WS portal
Power: Battery + 4x?W wheel motors
Related projects: See the Agrobotics project and the ACROSS project.
Notes: Two versions were made
The Hortibot, an integration between the Spider grass cutter and the API built at DIAS in Denmark. Videos can be found here.
Name: Hortibot. Champion: Rasmus J�rgensen
Type: 4WD / 4WS modified grass cutter
Power: 13kW Petrol.
Notes: Modified to allow rotation, smart micro sprayer added.

The FieldRobot event. Although technically not a robot in itself the annual FieldRobot event does promote many good agricultural robots.

Weeding robot developed at Wageningen UR by Tijmen Bakker. (Presentation)
Name: ?. Champion: Tijmen Bakker
Type: 4WD / 4WS Portal tractor
Power: Diesel engine
Notes: Tijmen successfully defended his PhD 13 Feb 2009
The SlugBot was developed to investigate the issues of energetic autonomy, by harvesting slugs and putting them into a digester to power the robot!
Name: SlugBot. Champion: Ian Kelly
Type: 4WD skid steer
Power: (2 slugs per hour? ;)
Notes: See also EcoBots
EcoBots I and II developed at the Bristol Robotics Laboratory, UK, use microbial fuel cells to power themselves - but very slowly.
Name: EcoBot. Champion: Chris Melhuish
Type: 2WD differential steer
Power: Dead flies
The Halmstad weeding robot, Sweden.
Name: ?. Champion: Albert-Jan Baerveldt / Bj�rn �strand
Type: Rear wheel drive / Front wheel steer
Power: ? Petrol engine
Notes: Vision guidance and plant recognition with mechanical weeding
The Modulaire tractor was designed as a remote controlled tractor in the 1990s. Nine were built in Finland and one was modified for GPS control. Here is a movie. (DivX, 4MB)
Name: Modulaire. Champion:?
Type: tracks
Power: 40hp
Notes: Front and rear linkages

Autonomous guidance projects at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
Name:? Champion: Qin Zhang
Rear wheel drive / Front wheel steer
Power: ?
Notes: Conventional tractor modified for automatic steering
The AgRover robot being developed at Iowa State University, USA
Name: AgRover. Champion: Lie Tang
Four wheel drive / Four wheel steer
Power: Battery + 4 wheel motors
Notes: Self levelling frame
The Skinny Boy robot being developed at USP san Carlos, (with EMBRAPA) Brazil.
Name: Skinny Boy. Champion: Ricardo Inamasu
Four wheel drive / Four wheel steer
Power: Battery + 4 wheel motors
Notes: large stable space frame